AECOsim Building Designer Help

View Groups for Structural Models

Delivered in the designseed_Structural.dgn seed file are five default view groups. These view groups are for your convenience and are views of the following:

  • 3D Structural Model (default) contains four views (Top, Right, Front, and Isometric). Each view displays both physical and analytical members, and displays all labels that you have turned on.
  • ISO Analytical is a single Isomeric view that displays just the levels containing analytical members.
  • Physical + Name is a single view that displays just the levels containing the physical members, plus the Name label.
  • PM + AM contains three different views. The first is analytical members only, the second is an Isometric view of both physical and analytical members, plus the Name label, and the third is an Isometric view of the physical members only.
  • Single Line contains four views (Top, Right, Front, and Isometric). Each view displays only the levels containing the member baseline element and the Name label.